LOS SANTOS GOVERNMENT Business Loan Request Application
Business Name: Gorditas LLC Contact Person: Tony Hernandez Phone Number: 755136 Email Address: marcushdtv Loan Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Reason for Loan Request: Gorditas LLC is looking to expand into the Construction scene, doing both personal, business and govermental constructions on contracts for the state of San Andreas, this being anything from road work, building construction, park construction, repairs and if the weather is harsh, general weather issued maintnance, and is therefore applying for a loan to fund equipment and offices to set this up at. This will generate great employment opertunities aswell as education.
Current Financial Situation: The business as of today, is generating income through three properties. Each running their own business side, Hernandez Auto Mechanic, performing auto repairs, visual and mechanical work on automotives for customers, this is signed to Gorditas LLC meaning that the revenue is going to Gorditas LLC, in return for a automated operation ran off of the property and upgrades being added on by need. Gorditas Pig Pen - Gentlemens Club, a strip club that makes its revenues from events and entrance fee's aswell as alcohol servings from the bar. And finally we have Fuga Farming, generating income by producing fertalizer for the farms around the state and delivering the needed fertalizers as such. All these three businesses will be working with the construction department in order to re-pay the loan, aswell as the work that the construction company itself is generating after general expenses such as wages/utility bills/tax and fuel.
Category - Tick all that apply
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