Pilot Licenses - Information & Template

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Federal Aviation
Federal Aviation
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:59 pm

Federal Aviation - Civilian Licensing
1 Free Street,
San Andreas Aviation,
The Aviation Buildings,
Las Venturas
Aviation Sector - San Andreas | The Peoples' Rights

Dear People of The State. The Federal Aviation has recently relaxed rules & regulations regarding the issuing of civilian pilot licensing. Civilians can apply for a pilot license. This license will allow for the individual to be licensed for the following crafts;
  • Non-amphibious single rotary-propelled craft (fixed-wing)
  • Non-amphibious dual rotary-propelled craft (fixed-wing)
  • Dual jet-powered craft (fixed-wing)
  • Rotorcraft (single propeller)
  • Amphibious Rotorcraft
Civilians will undergo strict training proposed by a member of any Major Airport within the State (Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas). Civilians must undergo training, both theory and physical before being considered competent to operate crafts.

A civilian who is authorized by The State (possesses a valid pilot license) can purchase crafts from the aforementioned lists. Civilians are instructed to keep their personal crafts within a contained area at the airport of choice and should not interfere with Air Traffic. Hangars can be rented in most Major Airports to accommodate this.

Please see the following for each stage of the application and who may be eligible to apply.

Section 1.0 - Requirements
What are the requirements of possessing a Pilot License?
  • Must not apply to any of the ineligibility criteria. (Ref. Sec 1.1)
  • Must be a legal US resident.
  • Must be at least twenty-one years old.
  • Must provide Proof of Residency.
  • Must be willing to pay the monetary one-time permit fee of $14,330
  • Must thoroughly read the Regulations and Terms of Agreement for Aviation.
  • Attach a copy of their Medical Notes upon applying. Must also confirm for the FAA to reach out to your Doctors for all Medical History.

Section 1.1
When not to apply for a Pilot License?
  • An applicant does not have fixed private residency (renting accommodation or mobile residence (trailers/campers etc)
  • An applicant convicted ANY misdemeanor offense.
  • An applicant convicted of a felony offense.
  • An applicant adjudicated to be a mentally disordered sex offender.
  • An applicant that is currently on parole or probation.
  • An applicant that is addicted to narcotics.
  • An applicant that found by a court to be mentally incompetent to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity of any crime, unless the court has made a finding of restoration of competence or sanity.
  • An applicant that has any mental or physical disabilities that impair judgement and/or physical controlling of a craft.
  • An applicant must not currently be on any state no-fly list.
  • An applicant must not currently be on the international flying-ban list.
  • ((An applicant must not possess serious administrative punishments on their /history record.))
Section 2.0
Application Stages
As of the Federal Aviation Administration; the application handler has every right to deny an application at any point in time. If an applicant feels their application was denied for an invalid reason, contact the FAA's Dispute Process via E-Mail. If an application is to be denied, the applicant is not entitled to a refund regardless of circumstance.

Stage I
The applicant will apply for their Pilots Licensing using the attached format. The applicant will then be assessed on their application (this could take quite some time as we have to process medical and criminal records.)

Stage II
The applicant will then go through the training and learning processes of aviation (if their application were to be accepted). The applicant will continue to undergo training and learning until the applicant's handler deems them physically and mentally fit to be signed off from the training program.

Stage III
The applicant will then undergo several in-house training sessions of flying schools. Within this time period the applicant must be able to competently operate the following crafts before advancing to Stage IV;
  • Non-amphibious single rotary-propelled craft (fixed-wing)
  • Dual jet-powered craft (fixed-wing)
  • Rotorcraft (single propeller)
Stage IV
The applicant will undergo their written exam. Providing the applicant passes their written exam, they will then be given full control of the training craft(s) - it's at this stage the applicant will communicate themselves with Ground Control. The applicant will be assessed on their verbal communication and knowledge of aviation terminology to ensure they they are fully competent without the help of their handler. Providing their handler is satisfied and the applicant has met the minimum requirements; they will be signed off from flight school and issued their license.

Section 3.0
Additional Information
The Federal Aviation Administration reserves the right to revoke a civilian's PL (Pilot License) at any given time without notice or reasoning. If a person's license has been terminated without any reason, it's at this stage the appropriating enforcer will remove their personally-owned crafts from their possession.

Enforced Rules
  • All crafts are fitted with Flight Recorders or "Black Boxes".
  • All crafts are fitted with their own individual N-Number (Tail Numbers, Registration Numbers).
  • Unknown or Unalerted crafts will be tracked, traced and dealt with appropriately.
  • Must follow general roleplay rules.
  • Must ensure a great sense of realism in terms of operation.
  • Players caught trolling or flying unrealistically will hair their craft(s) deleted, license revoked and banned from re-applying.
  • Players must follow all /air updates without any exceptions.
Civilian Aviation - Application
1 Free Street,
San Andreas Aviation,
The Aviation Buildings,
Las Venturas
Department of Transportation | Aviation Sector - San Andreas


SUBSECTION 1.1: Personal Information
Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms
Surname: Answer
Forename: Answer

Gender: Male/Female
Date of Birth (DD/MMM/YYYY): DD/MMM/YYYY

Phone Number: Answer
Email: Answer

Place of Birth: City, State
Place of Residence: # StreetName, District
City of Residence: Los Santos/San Fierro/Las Venturas

Proof of Payment: Image

SUBSECTION 1.2: Language Proficiency
Are you able to communicate effectively and efficiently in the English language?: Yes/No

Are you able to speak any languages aside from English?: Yes
If so, please list them all alongside your skill level in each language: Language, skill level (proficient, native etc)

SUBSECTION 1.3: Licenses and Permits
Do you possess a valid U.S Drivers License?: Yes/No
If yes, do you possess any warnings/citations on your license?: Yes/No

Do you possess a valid Firearms License?: Yes/No
If yes, has your license ever been revoked?: Yes/No

SUBSECTION 1.4: Criminal and Citation Record
Leave areas empty if you do not possess a criminal record.

Nature of Sentence: N/A
Date of Sentence: N/A
Time Served, If Applicable: N/A

Nature of Sentence: N/A
Date of Sentence: N/A
Time Served, If Applicable: N/A


SUBSECTION 3.1: Personal Information
ArdicGaming Forum Username: Answer
ArdicGaming In-Game Username: Answer

Gender: Male/Female
Age: Year

Geographical Location: Europe
Timezone: UTC+03:00

List all characters under your account:
  • [Character One
  • Character Two
  • Character Three (add or remove as necessary
Screenshot of your current stats:


Screenshot of your current administrative history:



I, below signed applicant, hereby authorize the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a thorough investigation of my past records, including but not limited to my medical records, educational records, work records and any other inquiries that can be considered as justified in regards to my application for the request of a personal-issued aviation license. I release the Federal Aviation Administration from any legal claims, demands or liabilities that may be caused as a direct result by said inquiries.

I certify that all answers above are truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I am not withholding any information that could be deemed as important. I promise that I have filled out my application on my own, without the help of any third party. I agree to maintain any correspondence between the Federal Aviation Administration and myself as confidential and that I will not disclose any information or material to a third party.

I acknowledge that the relationship between myself and the Federal Aviation Administration is strictly of an "at will" nature, and that I may be denied from any stage of the application process for any reasons that the issuer deems as justified. I also understand that in certain events, the reasons for my rejection may remain further undisclosed.

(( By submitting this application I acknowledge that I have not been banned from aviation, and currently on good standing with the server and its players or member base and that all of the above submitted information is 100% correct. I swear that I have filled out the application on my own and that I had no help from any outside parties.

I understand that I may be denied or barred from re-applying for any reasons that the Federal Aviation Administration and its respective representatives consider to be justified. I promise I will keep any correspondence between myself and the Federal Aviation Administration confidential, and that I will not reveal sensitive information unless being permitted beforehand. ))
Applicants Signature: Answer

Code: Select all

[APPLICATION] - Pilot License | Forename Surname

Code: Select all

[legend=Civilian Aviation - Application]
[i]1 Free Street,
San Andreas Aviation,
The Aviation Buildings,
Las Venturas
[center][i][b]Department of Transportation | Aviation Sector - San Andreas[/b][/i][/center]

[center][size=150][b]SECTION 1: PRELIMINARY BACKGROUND CHECK APPLICATION[/b][/size][/center]

[size=130][b]SUBSECTION 1.1: Personal Information[/size][/b]
[b]Title:[/b] [i]Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms[/i]
[b]Surname:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
[b]Forename:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]

[b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male/Female[/i]
[b]Date of Birth (DD/MMM/YYYY):[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]

[b]Phone Number:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
[b]Email:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]

[b]Place of Birth:[/b] [i]City, State[/i]
[b]Place of Residence:[/b] [i]# StreetName, District[/i]
[b]City of Residence:[/b] [i]Los Santos/San Fierro/Las Venturas[/i]

[b]Proof of Payment:[/b] [img]PNG LINK HERE[/img]


[size=130][b]SUBSECTION 1.2: Language Proficiency[/size][/b]
[b]Are you able to communicate effectively and efficiently in the English language?:[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]

[b]Are you able to speak any languages aside from English?:[/b] [i]Yes[/i]
[b]If so, please list them all alongside your skill level in each language:[/b] [i]Language, skill level (proficient, native etc)[/i]


[size=130][b]SUBSECTION 1.3: Licenses and Permits[/size][/b]
[b]Do you possess a valid  U.S Drivers License?:[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]
[b]If yes, do you possess any warnings/citations on your license?:[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]

[b]Do you possess a valid Firearms License?:[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]
[b]If yes, has your license ever been revoked?:[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]


[size=130][b]SUBSECTION 1.4: Criminal and Citation Record[/size][/b]
[size=90]Leave areas empty if you do not possess a criminal record.[/size]

[b]Nature of Sentence:[/b] [i]N/A[/i]
[b]Date of Sentence:[/b] [i]N/A[/i]
[b]Time Served, If Applicable:[/b] [i]N/A[/i]

[b]Nature of Sentence:[/b] [i]N/A[/i]
[b]Date of Sentence:[/b] [i]N/A[/i]
[b]Time Served, If Applicable:[/b] [i]N/A[/i]

[center][size=150][b](( SECTION 3: OOC INFORMATION ))[/b][/size][/center]

[size=130][b]SUBSECTION 3.1: Personal Information[/size][/b]
[b]ArdicGaming Forum Username:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
[b]ArdicGaming In-Game Username:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]

[b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male/Female[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Year[/i]

[b]Geographical Location:[/b] [i]Europe[/i]
[b]Timezone:[/b] [i]UTC+03:00[/i]

[b]List all characters under your account:[/b] 
[*][Character One
[*]Character Two
[*]Character Three (add or remove as necessary

[b]Screenshot of your current stats:[/b]

[img]PNG LINK HERE[/img]

[b]Screenshot of your current administrative history:[/b]

[img]PNG LINK HERE[/img]

[center][size=150][b]SECTION 4: APPLICANTS DECLARATION[/b][/size][/center]

[quote][i]I, below signed applicant, hereby authorize the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a thorough investigation of my past records, including but not limited to my medical records, educational records, work records and any other inquiries that can be considered as justified in regards to my application for the request of a personal-issued aviation license. I release the Federal Aviation Administration from any legal claims, demands or liabilities that may be caused as a direct result by said inquiries.

I certify that all answers above are truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I am not withholding any information that could be deemed as important. I promise that I have filled out my application on my own, without the help of any third party. I agree to maintain any correspondence between the Federal Aviation Administration and myself as confidential and that I will not disclose any information or material to a third party.

I acknowledge that the relationship between myself and the Federal Aviation Administration is strictly of an "at will" nature, and that I may be denied from any stage of the application process for any reasons that the issuer deems as justified. I also understand that in certain events, the reasons for my rejection may remain further undisclosed.

(( By submitting this application I acknowledge that I have not been banned from aviation, and currently on good standing with the server and its players or member base and that all of the above submitted information is 100% correct. I swear that I have filled out the application on my own and that I had no help from any outside parties.

I understand that I may be denied or barred from re-applying for any reasons that the Federal Aviation Administration and its respective representatives consider to be justified. I promise I will keep any correspondence between myself and the Federal Aviation Administration confidential, and that I will not reveal sensitive information unless being permitted beforehand. ))[/i][/quote]

[b]Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]
[b]Applicants Signature:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
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