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Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:10 pm
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Funding Application - Department Name - Short Purpose
[center][lsgbanner][/lsgbanner] [b]LOS SANTOS GOVERNMENT[/b] [i]Funding Request Application[/i] [/center] [hr][/hr] [b]Department Name:[/b] [Insert Department Name] [b]Contact Person:[/b] [Insert Full Name] [b]Phone Number:[/b] [Insert Phone Number] [b]Email Address:[/b] [Insert Email Address] [b]Funding Amount Requested:[/b] $[Insert Amount] [b]Reason for Request:[/b] [i]Provide a detailed explanation for the funding request, including the purpose, goals, and expected outcomes.[/i] [b]Current Budget:[/b] [i]Provide an overview of the department’s current budget and how the requested funds will be utilized.[/i] [b]Category[/b] - Tick all that apply This request is: [list] [*]A priority [cb] [*]A non-priority request [/cb] [*]A request that would enhance performance [cb] [*]A request that would utilize department resources to their fullest [cb] [*]A request that is solely to lift morale within departments to improve work ethic [cb] [*]A scheme request, incentivized by city officials [cb] [*]Other [cb] [*]Specify, if other: N/A [/list] [align=right] [b]Signed:[/b] [i]Forename Surname[/i] [b]Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i] [/align]
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