City Funding Information & Template

A gateway for city officials to request funding/budgeting.
Victor Chase
Posts: 72
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:00 pm

Funding Request - Information & Template

Office of Finance – Funding Division

Updated on: 17th SEP 2024

To request funding for city departments such as the Fire Department, Police Department, or other essential services, please submit a detailed application explaining the need for financial support. This funding may be used for equipment, staffing, or operational improvements. The Finance Division will evaluate your request and provide an approval or denial within 15 business days.

**Types of Requests:**
- Operational funding (salaries, utilities, etc.)
- Equipment upgrades (vehicles, tools, medical supplies)
- Capital improvements (building repairs, expansions)
- Special programs (community outreach, safety campaigns)

Please note that funding approvals depend on budget availability, department priorities, and urgency of the request. Large-scale requests may require additional oversight or approval from the City Council.

**A:** The Police Department requests $1,500,000 for the acquisition of new patrol vehicles. After evaluation, the Finance Division may approve full or partial funding based on available resources.

**B:** The Fire Department applies for $750,000 to upgrade outdated fire-fighting equipment. After considering the department’s current budget and priorities, a partial funding of $500,000 may be approved.

**C:** The City Library submits a funding request for $250,000 to implement a community outreach reading program. This may be approved based on current community needs and budget allocations.

Below is the template to submit a funding request for review.
  • Request Sectors
  • Public Safety (Fire, Police, EMS)
  • Infrastructure (Public Works, Transportation)
  • Community Development (Parks, Libraries)
  • Health & Human Services
  • Emergency Response Funds

To apply for funding, please fill out the template below and email it to [email protected] ((Post in City Funding Requests Section)). Only authorized department heads may apply, and all requests will be publicly visible with the exception of confidential details.


Code: Select all

*Sections that ask you to checkmark the boxes replace [cb] with [cbc] to check the boxes.

Funding Request Application

Department Name: [Insert Department Name]
Contact Person: [Insert Full Name]
Phone Number: [Insert Phone Number]
Email Address: [Insert Email Address]
Funding Amount Requested: $[Insert Amount]

Reason for Request:
Provide a detailed explanation for the funding request, including the purpose, goals, and expected outcomes.

Current Budget:
Provide an overview of the department’s current budget and how the requested funds will be utilized.

Category - Tick all that apply
This request is:
  • A priority
  • A non-priority request [/cb]
  • A request that would enhance performance
  • A request that would utilize department resources to their fullest
  • A request that is solely to lift morale within departments to improve work ethic
  • A scheme request, incentivized by city officials
  • Other
  • Specify, if other: N/A

Signed: Forename Surname


Code: Select all

Funding Application - Department Name - Short Purpose


Code: Select all

[i]Funding Request Application[/i]  

[b]Department Name:[/b] [Insert Department Name]  
[b]Contact Person:[/b] [Insert Full Name]  
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [Insert Phone Number]  
[b]Email Address:[/b] [Insert Email Address]  
[b]Funding Amount Requested:[/b] $[Insert Amount]  

[b]Reason for Request:[/b]  
[i]Provide a detailed explanation for the funding request, including the purpose, goals, and expected outcomes.[/i]  

[b]Current Budget:[/b]  
[i]Provide an overview of the department’s current budget and how the requested funds will be utilized.[/i]  

[b]Category[/b] - Tick all that apply
This request is:
[*]A priority [cb]
[*]A non-priority request [/cb]
[*]A request that would enhance performance [cb]
[*]A request that would utilize department resources to their fullest [cb]
[*]A request that is solely to lift morale within departments to improve work ethic [cb]
[*]A scheme request, incentivized by city officials [cb]
[*]Other [cb]
[*]Specify, if other: N/A

[b]Signed:[/b] [i]Forename Surname[/i]  
[b]Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]  

Departments operating without proper funding approval may experience budget retractions and operational delays. It is essential to submit accurate and detailed requests for a successful review.