[ISSUED] Funding Application - LSPD - Vehicle Fleet Modernization

Cameron Briggs
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:25 pm

Funding Request Application

Department Name: [LSPD]
Contact Person: [Cameron Briggs]
Phone Number: [385583]
Email Address: [[email protected]]
Funding Amount Requested: $[900,000]

Reason for Request:
For years the aging vehicle fleet of the LSPD have been slowly dwindling. Vehicles are showing a loss of performance due to high-frequent use, and their increasing age. Most of the LSPD fleet is unable to keep up with any modern vehicles in a pursuit. With this funding, we can replace, and retire 22 of our current fleet, into well performing, modernized, and up to the LSPD's new standard's vehicles. Our current fleet to be replaced consists of:
  • 6x 2014 Dodge Charger Pursuit
  • 3x 2015 Ford PI Utility
  • 1x 2016 Ford Explorer SSV
  • 3x 2015 Ford PI Sedan
  • 9x 2011 Crown Victoria PI

In the stead of those vehicles, the LSPD will be able to replace the aging fleet with;
  • 2018 Ford Police Interceptor Sedan
  • 2021 Ford Police Interceptor Utility
  • 2021 Dodge Charger Pursuit

With those replacements, every vehicle aforementioned will be able to be replaced, with the exception of a number of CVPI's, which can see usage within the DB, Training, and Administrative duties.

If provided with the funds, the LSPD can finalize the order of the new fleet, and should expect to start phasing out the oldest vehicles of the fleet no later than the end of the week, with the full transition to be projected to take within 1 or 2 weeks, depending on how fast the vehicles can be delivered. Once aqcuired, the LSPD will have undergone a complete face-lift, and shall be seen as a modernized, effective department once more in the eyes of the civilians. Not to mention to additional safety, comfort, and morale provided to our officers.

Current Budget:
Current Budget:$1,088,261.90

If provided with the requested funds, the LSPD can continue to operate without having to make any concessions towards her employees, and the phasing out of the older vehicles can happen over a relative short amount of time.

Category - Tick all that apply
This request is:
  • A priority
  • A non-priority request
  • A request that would enhance performance
  • A request that would utilize department resources to their fullest
  • A request that is solely to lift morale within departments to improve work ethic
  • A scheme request, incentivized by city officials
  • Other
  • Specify, if other: N/A

Signed: Cameron Briggs
Date: 17/SEP/2024
Last edited by Cameron Briggs on Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Victor Chase
Posts: 55
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:00 pm

Funding Request Reply
1 Main Street,
City Hall,
Los Santos

Dear Mr Briggs,
We have reviewed your funding request and we are informing you that it is pending due to the need for fixes. We will process your request once we have received confirmation that the following issues have been addressed:
  • Fix 1: You have not checked appropriate boxes in the Category section.
You are granted one (1) opportunity to address these issues. Failure to apply all fixes satisfactorily could result in the denial of your funding request, which would require the submission of a new application.

Office of The Mayor
Date: 17/SEP/2024
Signed: Image
Victor Chase
Posts: 55
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:00 pm

Funding Request Reply
1 Main Street,
City Hall,
Los Santos

Dear Mr Briggs
We have reviewed your funding request and are pleased to inform you that we have received confirmation of all necessary documentation and your request has been accepted. The funds will be released to your department within three to five (3-5) working days.

Please ensure that the funds are utilized strictly in accordance with the request and any allocated budget guidelines. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in audits or a request for the return of funds.

We wish you every success with the use of these funds and thank you for your contribution to our city!

Office of The Mayor
Date: 17/SEP/2024
Signed: Image