Parking Enforcement Ordinance of 2023

Law & Order of The City
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Victor Chase
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:00 pm

Parking Enforcement Ordinance of 2023


Updated on: 22ND FEB 2024

§ 101 - Definitions
“Parking Enforcement Agency” or “Parking Regulator” refers to any department or agency that is employed by the Government to enforce parking regulations within the city. 
“Peace Officer” refers to any local, state or federal law enforcement officer or public official responsible for enforcing local, state or federal laws to keep the peace. 
“Residential” refers to any public or private area primarily serving as housing or accommodation for the general public.
“Commercial” refers to any public or private area primarily serving businesses or companies. 
“Parking” refers to the act of leaving a vehicle temporarily unattended in a certain location. 

§ 201 - Prohibited Parking 
It shall be unlawful to park or leave your vehicle unattended in any of the following circumstances:

Against the flow of traffic;
Directly on an intersection or designated crosswalk, or within 5 feet of an intersection or designated crosswalk;
Areas clearly showing no-parking signs; 
On private property without the prior consent of landowners, or authorising persons on behalf of the landowner;
In front of any bus stops, or within close proximity to a bus stop which prevents the bus from gaining access to the stop;
In tunnels, on bridges, or on highways;
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire station driveway;
On any central reservation;
Without a parking permit in designated permit zones;
Parking at gas stations without valid reasoning.

Parking in any circumstance listed will result in the vehicle in question being towed by parking enforcement regulators and will be subject to impound and release fees.

§ 202 - Emergency Circumstances
Hazard warning lights MUST be shown in all instances of emergencies to alert other road users of your presence as a hazard. 
In such emergency situations, parking regulations may be violated in circumstances in § 201, and any other unlisted circumstances. You must declare to parking regulators that you are in an emergency and follow the directions and advice provided by the regulator, emergency services, or persons authorised to carry out parking enforcement duties at all times. 

§ 203 - Allowed Parking - Residential
Cars inside a residential zone may park alongside a curb but they cannot, under any circumstance, park half-on-half-off (with two wheels on the sidewalk) as this presents a potential hazard to pedestrians. 
Motorcycles and bicycles may park on the sidewalk if necessary but should avoid doing so where possible if this creates a hazard to pedestrians or road users.
Curbsides painted red cannot be parked on, or near, at any time. 

§ 204 - Allowed Parking - Commercial
Cars inside a commercial zone may park with two wheels on the sidewalk however car parks should be used where possible.
Motorcycles and bicycles may park on the sidewalk if necessary but should avoid doing so where possible if this creates a hazard to pedestrians or road users.
Vehicles may not be left unattended at gas stations unless refuelling your vehicle and/or purchasing items from the gas station store. 

§ 205 - Parking Meters & Pay-to-Park/Blue Bays
Areas marked with a blue “Pay to Park” sign, indicate you must obtain a parking ticket from the parking meter to ensure you are parking legally. Parking meters are in close proximity to the blue “P” ground indicator and signage. Parking will only be enforced in these areas from 8am to 8pm. Parking will not be enforced outside of these hours. 
Pay-to-park areas are a maximum two-hour stay.
Vehicles will be granted a grace period of 15 minutes beyond expiration to move their vehicle or re-purchase a new ticket.
Vehicles that overstay beyond both the length of stay and the grace period will be charged $50 per hour they overstay, up to a maximum of 6 hours. 
Vehicles that overstay beyond the length of stay, the grace period and the maximum overstay length, will be towed and impounded by the parking regulator. The maximum 6 hour fine will remain in place and will incur additional impound fees.
Vehicles that receive a fine must pay the fine within 30 days of receipt at any local law enforcement agency precinct or government building such as City Hall. Failing to pay a ticket within 30 days will result in further action, and you could be charged with misdemeanour (8)09 - Failure to Pay, which carries a fine of up to double the existing citation, and up to two months (( two hours )) in jail. Continued non-compliance will result in a suspension or revocation of your license. 

§ 206 - Green Bays/Private Parking
Some areas in commercial areas are considered to be private parking areas, identifiable by green signage in designated areas. This is different from blue bay areas in some business locations. 
Green bays have a maximum stay of three hours, however, this is primarily used for patrons of the business only. Vehicles who overstay will be subject to the same enforcement as overstaying on a Blue Bay ticket. 
If the owner of the business offering private parking deems a car unnecessarily parked, or it is unauthorised to be there, they can request that the parking enforcement company takes necessary action. This will likely mean the vehicle is towed away and impounded, incurring impound hold and release fees. 

§ 207 - Peace Officers & Parking Enforcement
Peace Officers belonging to any agency do not have any explicit authority to enforce parking regulations, as this is the responsibility of the parking enforcement regulator. 
Peace Officers may, however, contact the parking enforcement regulator if they find that the vehicle in question has breached these regulations and it is then up to the parking regulator to enforce the regulations.
Employees of the parking enforcement agency are considered "parking officers" but do not have law enforcement authority, so there is no power of arrest. 

§ 301 - Parking Exemptions
Vehicles owned or operated by the following agencies and departments are exempt from parking regulations unless the exemption obstructs traffic or creates a hazard to other road users. 
  • Any law enforcement agency;
  • Any public health agency;
  • Los Santos Government employees;
  • Agencies contracted by the Los Santos Government.
    § 302 - Illegal Parking
    Persons that do not follow the guidelines set out within this ordinance shall incur any impound fees and additional fines that may arise if or when the vehicle is towed. 
    Interfering or otherwise preventing a parking regulator from carrying out their duties shall be charged with (8)10 - Interfering with Parking Enforcement Officers which carries a maximum fine of $1000 USD with a two to four-month (( hour )) jail sentence.
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