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Parking Permit Information & Template

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:42 pm
by Victor Chase
Parking Permit Request - Information & Template

Parking Permit Office

Updated on: 21st MAR 2024

To legally park a vehicle on certain streets or in restricted zones within the county, you will need to apply for a **Parking Permit**. As part of your application, we ask that you provide the **Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)** and the street(s) where you are requesting parking privileges. You may apply for a permit for either an individual vehicle or as part of a business fleet.

Once we receive your request, we will evaluate it and respond with the necessary permit details and any applicable fees.

For residential and individual permits, the cost is calculated by the type of vehicle and whether the permit is temporary (daily) or permanent (yearly). **Temporary permits** are priced per day and can be requested for a specific number of days, while **permanent permits** have a fixed yearly cost. The costs for commercial and business use are higher due to extended parking requirements.

**A:** John Doe owns a personal vehicle and wishes to park it near his residence on 5th Avenue for a 10-day period. He submits his VIN, make/model, and requests a residential permit. His total cost is **$1,000** (personal vehicle daily rate of $100/day x 10 days).

**B:** Jane’s Bakery has three delivery trucks and requires business parking near Main Street for permanent use. Jane submits the VINs for each truck and requests a commercial permit. Her total cost is **$13,500** (3 vehicles x $4,500 per vehicle for a yearly business permit).

**C:** Carl owns a construction company with heavy-duty trucks and needs to park them near his work site for a 20-day project. He requests a temporary permit for two heavy-duty trucks. His total cost is **$7,600** (heavy-duty truck rate of $190/day x 20 days x 2 trucks).

Below you can find the current types of vehicles and permits available, along with their costs.

Vehicle Types & Permit Costs
  • Personal Vehicle: $100/day or $3,000/year (residential)
  • Commercial Vehicle (Delivery, Business use): $150/day or $4,500/year (business)
  • Heavy-Duty Vehicle (Construction, Industrial): $190/day or $5,200/year
  • Motorcycle: $75/day or $1,850/year
  • Recreational Vehicle (RV, Camper): $90/day or $2,200/year
  • Special Event Permit (for public events): $300/day per vehicle

To apply for a parking permit, please fill out the format below and submit it to **[email protected]** ((Post in the Parking Permit Requests Section)). Only authorized individuals or business owners may apply. All applications will be publicly available for review, except for private vehicle information.

Payment must be sent at the time of submitting an application. Please send payment via a Bank Transfer to Los Santos Government. The Transaction Reason needs to be Parking Permit - #VIN Otherwise it could be subject to denial.


Parking Permit Request

Name: Answer
Phone: Answer
Address: # Street Name, District

Vehicle Information:
VIN: Enter VIN Number
Vehicle Make/Model: Enter Make and Model
License Plate: Enter License Plate Number

Parking Location Requested: Street Name or Specific Zone
Image of Location:
Permit Type: Individual / Business / Special
Permit Duration: (xDays/Yearly)
Proof of Payment Image

Additional Notes (if any):
Answer Here

Signed: Forename Surname

Title for Independent

Code: Select all

Parking Permit - Surname, Forename, #VIN
Title for Company

Code: Select all

Parking Permit - Name of Company, #VIN


Code: Select all

[i]Parking Permit Request[/i]  

[b]Name:[/b] Answer  
[b]Phone:[/b] Answer  
[b]Address:[/b] # Street Name, District  

[b]Vehicle Information:[/b]  
[b]VIN:[/b] Enter VIN Number  
[b]Vehicle Make/Model:[/b] Enter Make and Model  
[b]License Plate:[/b] Enter License Plate Number  

[b]Parking Location Requested:[/b] Street Name or Specific Zone  
[b]Image of Location:[/b] [spoiler][img]LINKHERE[/img][/spoiler] ((Provide an image of the location with how the car will be normally parked. Remove this line on submission)) 
[b]Permit Type:[/b] Individual / Business / Special  
[b]Permit Duration:[/b] (xDays/Yearly) 
[b]Proof of Payment[/b] [img]LINKHERE[/img] ((Screenshot of payment via in-game wire transfers or on UCP))

[i]Additional Notes (if any):[/i]  
Answer Here

[b]Signed:[/b] [i]Forename Surname[/i]  
[b]Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]  

Any vehicle parked without the appropriate permit will be subject to ticketing or towing. Continued violations may result in the vehicle being impounded.