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Personal Loan Information & Template

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:04 pm
by Victor Chase
Personal Loan Request - Information & Template

Office of Finance – Loan Division

Updated on: 17th SEP 2024

To request a personal loan from the Los Santos Government, please submit a detailed application outlining the purpose of the loan, how the funds will be used, and your repayment plan. Loan applications will be reviewed based on personal needs, repayment capability, and creditworthiness. The Loan Division will evaluate your request and provide an approval or denial within 15 business days.

**Types of Loan Requests:**
- Debt Consolidation
- Home Renovation
- Vehicle Purchase
- Educational Expenses
- Medical Expenses
- Other Personal Needs

Please note that loan approvals are subject to credit checks, ability to repay, and available funding. Larger loan amounts may require additional review or approval from the Personal Loan Committee.

**A:** An individual requests $50,000 for home renovation. After evaluation, the Loan Division may approve full or partial funding based on creditworthiness and the loan amount requested.

**B:** A borrower applies for $20,000 to cover educational expenses. The loan may be approved based on financial standing and repayment ability.

**C:** A loan request for $10,000 is submitted to consolidate existing debts. This may be approved if the applicant has a clear repayment plan and good credit history.

Below is the template to submit a loan request for review.
  • Loan Request Categories
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Home Renovation
  • Vehicle Purchase
  • Educational Expenses
  • Medical Expenses
  • Other

To apply for a loan, please fill out the template below and email it to [email protected] ((Post in Personal Loan Requests Section)). All requests will be publicly visible with the exception of confidential details.


Code: Select all

*Sections that ask you to checkmark the boxes replace [cb] with [cbc] to check the boxes.

Personal Loan Request Application

Full Name: [Insert Full Name]
Phone Number: [Insert Phone Number]
Email Address: [Insert Email Address]
Loan Amount Requested: $[Insert Amount]

Reason for Loan Request:
Provide a detailed explanation for the loan request, including the purpose and how the funds will be utilized.

Current Financial Situation:
Provide an overview of your current financial situation, including income, expenses, and how you plan to repay the loan.

Category - Tick all that apply
This loan request is for:
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Home Renovation
  • Vehicle Purchase
  • Educational Expenses
  • Medical Expenses
  • Other
  • Specify, if other: N/A

Signed: Forename Surname


Code: Select all

Loan Application - Full Name - Short Purpose


Code: Select all

[i]Personal Loan Request Application[/i]  

[b]Full Name:[/b] [Insert Full Name]  
[b]Phone Number:[/b] [Insert Phone Number]  
[b]Email Address:[/b] [Insert Email Address]  
[b]Loan Amount Requested:[/b] $[Insert Amount]  

[b]Reason for Loan Request:[/b]  
[i]Provide a detailed explanation for the loan request, including the purpose and how the funds will be utilized.[/i]  

[b]Current Financial Situation:[/b]  
[i]Provide an overview of your current financial situation, including income, expenses, and how you plan to repay the loan.[/i]  

[b]Category[/b] - Tick all that apply  
This loan request is for:  
[*]Debt Consolidation [cb]  
[*]Home Renovation [cb]  
[*]Vehicle Purchase [cb]  
[*]Educational Expenses [cb]  
[*]Medical Expenses [cb]  
[*]Other [cb]  
[*]Specify, if other: N/A  

[b]Signed:[/b] [i]Forename Surname[/i]  
[b]Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]  

Individuals applying for personal loans without proper approval may experience financial difficulties or delays. It is essential to submit accurate and detailed loan requests for a successful review.