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[APPLICATION] - Pilot License | Patrick Lynagh

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:00 pm
by BrennansBread
Civilian Aviation - Application
1 Johnson Street,
San Andreas Aviation,
The Aviation Buildings,
Las Venturas
Department of Transportation | Aviation Sector - San Andreas


SUBSECTION 1.1: Personal Information
Title: Mr
Surname: Lynagh
Forename: Patrick

Gender: Male
Date of Birth (DD/MMM/YYYY): 13/APR/1985

Phone Number: 602592
Email: [email protected]

Place of Birth: Belfast, Ireland
Place of Residence: 31 Garcia Street, El Corona
City of Residence: Los Santos

Proof of Payment: Image

SUBSECTION 1.2: Language Proficiency
Are you able to communicate effectively and efficiently in the English language?: Yes

Are you able to speak any languages aside from English?: Yes
If so, please list them all alongside your skill level in each language: Fluent Irish

SUBSECTION 1.3: Licenses and Permits
Do you possess a valid U.S Drivers License?: Yes
If yes, do you possess any warnings/citations on your license?: No

Do you possess a valid Firearms License?: No
If yes, has your license ever been revoked?: No

SUBSECTION 1.4: Criminal and Citation Record
Leave areas empty if you do not possess a criminal record.

Nature of Sentence: N/A
Date of Sentence: N/A
Time Served, If Applicable: N/A

Nature of Sentence: N/A
Date of Sentence: N/A
Time Served, If Applicable: N/A


SUBSECTION 3.1: Personal Information
ArdicGaming Forum Username: Portside
ArdicGaming In-Game Username: Portside


I, below signed applicant, hereby authorize the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a thorough investigation of my past records, including but not limited to my medical records, educational records, work records and any other inquiries that can be considered as justified in regards to my application for the request of a personal-issued aviation license. I release the Federal Aviation Administration from any legal claims, demands or liabilities that may be caused as a direct result by said inquiries.

I certify that all answers above are truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I am not withholding any information that could be deemed as important. I promise that I have filled out my application on my own, without the help of any third party. I agree to maintain any correspondence between the Federal Aviation Administration and myself as confidential and that I will not disclose any information or material to a third party.

I acknowledge that the relationship between myself and the Federal Aviation Administration is strictly of an "at will" nature, and that I may be denied from any stage of the application process for any reasons that the issuer deems as justified. I also understand that in certain events, the reasons for my rejection may remain further undisclosed.

(( By submitting this application I acknowledge that I have not been banned from aviation, and currently on good standing with the server and its players or member base and that all of the above submitted information is 100% correct. I swear that I have filled out the application on my own and that I had no help from any outside parties.

I understand that I may be denied or barred from re-applying for any reasons that the Federal Aviation Administration and its respective representatives consider to be justified. I promise I will keep any correspondence between myself and the Federal Aviation Administration confidential, and that I will not reveal sensitive information unless being permitted beforehand. ))
Date: 02/OCT/2024
Applicants Signature: P Lynagh